Sushi Equipment

The Sushi Equipment I Use

You have probably landed on this page through my eBook. Welcome! This page is intended to be transparent about the sushi equipment I use at home and in my professional career.

For most of the items, I will have a link of where you can find that item on Amazon. I am an Amazon affiliate and, if you decide to purchase an item through one of my links, I earn a small percentage of the cost at no additional charge to you. This is a way of helping me keep this website running!

sushi equipment - The chef hands shaping the roll in the restaurant.

Sushi Knives:

A good knife is an essential piece of sushi equipment. Buying your first knife is a big undertaking! I recommend starting with a yanagiba and later adding an usuba and deba

The knives I am currently using are all handcrafted and purchased from various knife makers in Japan. The links below are from the company Yoshihiro – the first knife that I used when I started in the sushi industry. It lasted me over 4 years and could have lasted a lot longer, but I decided to upgrade to a new set of knives.

Rice Cookers:


Accessories: Makisu, rice paddles, etc.

Sushi Rice:

Seaweed (Nori):

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